What is EMDR?

Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR) is a form of psychotherapy. It helps you heal the emotional distress caused by remembering a stressful or traumatic event in your life.

The goal of EMDR is for you to think about the event without reliving all the negative feelings associated with it.

EMDR combines a range of therapeutic approaches with eye movements or other forms of bilateral stimulation (tapping, sound) in ways that stimulate the way the brain processes information.

How does EMDR help?

EMDR was originally used to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but today it is used to treat various psychiatric and behavioral disorders including anxiety disorders, depression, phobias, panic disorder, addiction, and eating disorders.

EMDR can address past, present, and future aspects of disturbing memories and thoughts by using specific protocols and procedures.

One of the appeals of EMDR is that there is a lot of internal processing. This process can allow you to access parts of yourself that often feel hard to talk about. For those with shame about a particular event, this is helpful.

What is involved?

First, we establish a target (aka disturbing memory or thought) to work with. That target is where we start, knowing that it can lead in many directions.

Throughout the process, I will remind you there is no “right” way to do this. I also ask you to notice any sensations, thoughts, or feelings you experience. I will remind you to observe those sensations, thoughts or feelings, as if you were “watching a movie” rather than “seeing yourself in the movie.”

There is minimal talking and when asked to share something, it is generally a short statement about what you are noticing (i.e., thought, bodily sensation, feeling).

I have a gentle way to end the session making sure you are grounded and relaxed before leaving my office. It may take several sessions before the target you are working with no longer brings up emotional distress.

Feeling Stuck? Ready to Move On…

EMDR can help. It is an effective, therapeutic tool that can help you alleviate emotional distress associated with a stressful or traumatic life event.

You deserve emotional freedom. Call me today: (860) 838-2071.